I just realized that I kinda skipped some info about how/when I got pregnant. When I left off, I was preparing to try some treatments to help the bleeding. Soo...here's how it went down. I stopped the Metformin when I was hospitalized for the mastitis. So many doctors gave me the side-eye, and I was starting to freak out. I decided to see a different OB, and he reccomended I give it a second try. He said it could very well help fix my cycle, and he also had an inkling that I was insulin-resistant. He sent me for the testing, and insulin-resistance was ruled out, but I decided to stay on the Met and see if it helped my bleeding. I started taking it at the beginning of August, and also started tracking my cycle on a regular calendar. I had tried opks, but never got a positive, so I decided to just assume I was ovulating in the same window that the opk instructions assumed. The opks told me to start testing at cd10, so I decided to start having sex on cd 11, and then aiming for every other day from there. I think it ended up being cd11,13,15,17,20,22, and 25. I really didn't think it would work, but I figured it couldn't hurt. On cd38 I was starting to get irritated, I wanted my period to show up already. The night before, DH went to work early while I was out, and for some reason, coming home to the empty house just sent me over the edge. I burst into tears, and texted him to tell him how upset I was. he jokingly said "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test." That pissed me off even more, but just to shut him up, I took one the next morning. I was pretty much standing there waiting for the negative, so I could throw it in the garbage, but lo and behold, there was a faint line! I ran down the hall screaming, waking DH up to come see the test. I absolutely couldn't believe it. So, that's my story. Charting definitely didn't work for me with all the irregular bleeding and crap I had going on. I have a strong feeling that the Metformin helped straighten out my cycle, and finally get me the BFP I had longed for.
I am BEYOND happy for you. So fantastic!
I am BEYOND happy for you. So fantastic!
I'm really so happy for you!
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