Friday, January 22, 2010

So in love with this baby!

Yesterday, I had a bunch of appointments, starting with our Fetal echo. Baby is naughty! Wouldn't turn the right way, so we were sent home with no results. We have to go back in a month. I guess baby decided to make it up to us, because our second appointment ( an ultrasound) was awesome! We got cute pics, and a video, and baby put on a major show for us. I could feel him/her kicking against the u/s wand, and it was cracking us all up. I posted a pic, which is a little blurry, but you can clearly see it's a human baby at this point. We get to relax for a couple weeks before our next round of appointments, and then it's back to the grind. We are almost done clearing out the baby's room, and soon we will have the carpet steam cleaned, and order the crib! I absolutely can't wait. I feel closer to this baby every day. I've already watched the u/s video 4 times, and even recorded it in my phone. It makes me tear up every time I see my little one jumping around in there. I love how the picture looks like baby is sitting underneath a star. =)

Monday, January 4, 2010

A little background....

I just realized that I kinda skipped some info about how/when I got pregnant. When I left off, I was preparing to try some treatments to help the bleeding.'s how it went down. I stopped the Metformin when I was hospitalized for the mastitis. So many doctors gave me the side-eye, and I was starting to freak out. I decided to see a different OB, and he reccomended I give it a second try. He said it could very well help fix my cycle, and he also had an inkling that I was insulin-resistant. He sent me for the testing, and insulin-resistance was ruled out, but I decided to stay on the Met and see if it helped my bleeding. I started taking it at the beginning of August, and also started tracking my cycle on a regular calendar. I had tried opks, but never got a positive, so I decided to just assume I was ovulating in the same window that the opk instructions assumed. The opks told me to start testing at cd10, so I decided to start having sex on cd 11, and then aiming for every other day from there. I think it ended up being cd11,13,15,17,20,22, and 25. I really didn't think it would work, but I figured it couldn't hurt. On cd38 I was starting to get irritated, I wanted my period to show up already. The night before, DH went to work early while I was out, and for some reason, coming home to the empty house just sent me over the edge. I burst into tears, and texted him to tell him how upset I was. he jokingly said "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test." That pissed me off even more, but just to shut him up, I took one the next morning. I was pretty much standing there waiting for the negative, so I could throw it in the garbage, but lo and behold, there was a faint line! I ran down the hall screaming, waking DH up to come see the test. I absolutely couldn't believe it. So, that's my story. Charting definitely didn't work for me with all the irregular bleeding and crap I had going on. I have a strong feeling that the Metformin helped straighten out my cycle, and finally get me the BFP I had longed for.
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