Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dead Nipple Strikes again....

Yes, it's true. My left booby is infected yet again. It's itchy and sore and leaky and red and I just want to rip it off! Doc says it could be that all the breast changes from pregnancy caused it to flare up again. Now I have to take an insane amount of antibiotics until it is gone.
I am sooo worried that it won't go away, or that it will prevent me from breastfeeding. I'm trying to be positive, but it has been hard with how uncomfortable I am. On the plus side, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I cannot wait to stuff my face. We are hosting, but my parents are handling most of the cooking at their place, and then bringing everything our way.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, November 20, 2009

NT Scan!!

Our NT Scan yesterday was awesome! We got to watch our sweet, stubborn baby for a whole hour. She was all curled up( I think she was sleeping) and wouldn't turn the right way for the tech to get the measurements perfect, but she got what she needed. Everything looks normal, except apparently I have a wonky-shaped uterus. They described it sort of like a lima bean, and it may cause problems later, or it may not matter at all. They said it will raise my risk of the baby being breech, and possibly a c-section. That is my biggest fear, but I am going to just deal with it when the time comes. Here is a picture of our sweet little bean, who looks kind of X-Files-ish, but it's still amazing to me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm Pregnant!!!

Holy Balls people! It has been so freakin long since I updated this Blog. So much has happened... Long story short, I am knocked up! We found out on September 21st. After getting a BFN on that Thursday, I decided to wait til Tuesday to test again. When I came home from babysitting Sunday night, I randomly burst into tears and texted my hubby for support. He said I better take a pregnancy test, which at the time I thought was terribly insensitive. I got my BFP the next morning, and he is still gloating about his "intuition".

Fast forward! I am now almost 11 weeks, and we got to see the bean at 8 weeks, 4 days.. I told everyone on Halloween, using a homemade costume. It was amazing how few people 'got it'. 6 people out of like, 100 that I saw that day. (Pic above). They moved my due date to June 3rd, which seems SO far away, but we are thrilled. We already have our nursery all planned out, and can't wait to get started. We are going the natural route, with midwives at a birth center, and we are NOT finding out the sex. I will do my best to update everyone once a week or so. Thanks for reading!
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